Course Content
How To use The Multiple Choice Challenge Course
Here you'll learn how to use the multiple choice challenge course so that you can get the maximum use out of it.
Paper 1
All the topics that are in Paper 1 are listed in this lesson. Make sure you quiz yourself thoroughly on each topic.
OCR GCSE PE Multiple Choice Challenge (2 years access)
About Lesson

The Skeletal System – (in Paper 1)

Use these ‘I can’ and ‘I know’ statements to focus your learning and revision.

After taking the quiz in this section you should have a very good understanding of the concepts involved. Use the statements below to check your knowledge and understanding.

  • I know the location of the cranium
  • I know the location of the scapula
  • I know the location of the clavicle
  • I know the location of the sternum
  • I know the location of the vertebrae
  • I know the location of the fibula
  • I know the location of the femur
  • I know the location of the radius
  • I know the location of the ribs
  • I know the location of the humerus
  • I know the location of the ulna
  • I know the location of the carpals
  • I know the location of the metacarpals
  • I know the location of the pelvis
  • I know the location of the patella
  • I know the location of the tibia
  • I know the location of the tarsals
  • I know the location of the metatarsals
  • I can identify the bones at the neck
  • I can identify the bones at the shoulder
  • I can identify the bones at the chest
  • I can identify the bones at the elbow
  • I can identify the bones at the hip
  • I can identify the bones at the knee
  • I can explain the skeleton’s role in movement
  • I can explain the skeleton’s role in posture of the body
  • I can explain the skeleton’s role in support
  • I can explain the skeleton’s role in protection
  • I can explain the skeleton’s role in mineral storage
  • I can explain the skeleton’s role in blood cell production
  • I know the names of the three types and shapes of bones
  • I know the function of short bones
  • I know the function of long bones
  • I know the function of flat bones
  • I know what a joint is
  • I can explain how movement takes place at a joint
  • I can explain how different joint types allow different types of movement



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